Thursday, June 30, 2022

Be HOME and Follow Your BLISS


Our days are filled with perfect HAPPINESS. Feelings of euphoria. Living a vibrant existence. If you follow the things that bring you this kind of BLISS, making the world your playground, music and dance, you can find a sense of pure fulfillment—the ultimate satisfaction. So go out and FOLLOW YOUR BLISS—The Universe will open doors where there were only walls. So TODAY, begin and the rest will be EASY. And share your POSITIVE ENERGY with the world.  -jesnguevara

True HappiNEST is a JOY


 God -Our Supreme Being, the Creator and sustainer of the Universe and principal object of our FAITH. Being OMNIPOTENT (all-powerful), OMNISCIENT (all-knowing), OMNIPRESENT (all-present) and as having an ETERNAL and necessary EXISTENCE. The SACRED HEART of JESUS: The symbol of "God's boundless and passionate LOVE for mankind". In the Christian doctrine of the Trinity; God, coexisting in three "persons", is called God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost. -jesnguevara


God is Giving


 We declare God's incredible BLESSINGS over our lives. We will see an EXPLOSION of God's goodness, a sudden widespread INCREASE. We will EXPERIENCE the surpassing greatness of God's FAVOR. It will elevate us to a level HIGHER than we ever dreamed of. EXPLOSIVE BLESSINGS are coming our way. This is our DECLARATION.  -jesnguevara

BLISSful Life -BestLife2Live


LIVING A BLISSFUL LIFE is a JOURNEY. You have to want to be that person WHO marches directly towards a magnified EMOTIONAL STATE of JOY, fulfillment and happiness rather than one that rests by the roadside. For living a Blissful Life keep your expectations LOW from others and HIGH from yourself. Because out of the BLISS comes inspiration and magic... wonderment and creativity. Truth prevails and MIRACLES do happen.  -jesnguevara

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